
Innovative Services for Enhanced Healthcare

Connxus will develop new and innovative services based on feedback from our partners and the collaborations we maintain across our communities. Core services Include:

Provider Portal

Proven, open-source HIE technology recognized by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Provider Portal is accessible through a web-based portal that gives providers access to patients’ aggregate medical records to enhance care and healthcare outcomes.


Custom developed notifications that alerts provider organizations, case managers, and insurance providers when a patient has been admitted to a hospital or emergency department so that adequate follow up and care is provided.

Secure Messaging

Secure messaging system to alert case managers and providers about certain patient events, send secure patient lists, and manage patient data in a secure environment.


Regular hospital and emergency department admission reports to primary care providers to coordinate follow up visits. And custom reports on targeted chronically ill patients to support care coordination and prevent worsening symptoms.

Provider Portal

Our Provider Portal offers healthcare providers a centralized and secure platform to access their patients’ records from various healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. Through this portal, members can securely share electronic health records (EHR).

With the Provider Portal, users gain instant and secure access to patient health information. Utilizing a master person index, the portal links records for the same patient across multiple organizations, enabling providers to:

  • Monitor and enhance patient care effectively
  • Reduce healthcare costs associated with redundant testing, hospital admissions, and emergency department visits
  • Enhance care coordination during transitions between different healthcare settings
  • Improve patient experience and satisfaction
  • Elevate the quality of care provided

Join the Movement for Better Health Outcomes

Connect with the HIE today to explore how collaboration can drive meaningful change in your community.

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